Compatibility with scorpio horoscope

None of them is that compatible with Scorpio, since they will insist on their respective ways, quite unwilling to compromise. Scorpio finds that too limited and predictable.

Scorpio is more compatible with the mutable signs, which are the followers of the Zodiac. They are Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces. They are much more apt to adapt.

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Maybe too readily for Scorpio to be pleased at length. Scorpio needs resistance and surprise. A partner just tagging along is not very exciting. With the cardinal signs, demanding to lead, things can get complicated with Scorpio if there is little mutual attraction from the start.

There should be passion, sweeping them both off their feet. If there is not, the two may sooner or later find that they are incompatible. The cardinal signs are Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn. But nothing is written in stone. A relationship is complex. There is no guarantee as to what will work and what will not, especially at length.

All the personality traits of each Zodiac sign have to be considered when examining their compatibility in astrology.

Worst Matches

Generally speaking, Scorpio is a creature of deep and mind blowing passion. Sexuality, jealousy, love that burns the heart and tears the soul. You will not see it on Scorpio, who is a master of hiding emotions, but you will feel it. Scorpio thrives on everything emotional — anxiety, longing, fear, attraction, satisfaction.

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  • All feelings of the human palette, and then some. This love story has to express them all. The Maiden or Virgin.

    More Compatibility for you

    The Goat or Sea-Goat. This relationship is slow to start but can last a lifetime. Taurus is steadfast and domestic. There's sexual chemistry and both seek comfort, security, commitment, and consistency. Their differences can push both of them to grow, but they can also lead to fights that escalate into cold-wars.

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    • These two have an innate understanding of one another and a two-way psychic connection. They have similar motives, interests, and emotional depths. However, when same-sign couples come together, the sign is magnified, for good or bad.

      Scorpio & Capricorn Sun: Love Compatibility

      A clash of basic natures. Aries is active, dominant, and needs to lead. Scorpio tenacious and not easily swayed.

      There's plenty of sexual chemistry, but they have a fundamentally different approach to life that can bring about some big disagreements. Scorpio craves privacy, security, and comfort.

      Leo craves attention and adulation. Scorpio prefers the dark corners. Leo loves the bright lights.

      Scorpio Compatibility

      And they are both very stubborn. If they share an agenda, they can be a power couple, but if they turn on each other, it could be an endless war. Scorpio craves security, broods, and is nostalgic. Sagittarius craves adventure, is independent, and always has eyes on the future. Compromise is essential if they are to succeed as a couple.

      Libra is far too objective and superficial to understand Scorpio's emotional complexity. Scorpio is too jealous, brooding, and intense for light-hearted social Libra, and Libra's cavalier approach to commitment and responsibility push Scorpio's hot buttons.

      This is not a union that is built to last. Gemini is a social butterfly. Scorpio is stubborn and determined. These two would have a complicated and arduous relationship. Head and heart collide. Scorpio is suspicious of everyone, Aquarius has never met a stranger and is a friend to all. Scorpio is receptive, Aquarius is assertive.

      Aquarius demands freedom, and both are stubborn. This is a push-pull relationship that would contain endless power struggles and clashing agendas.

      Scorpio Compatibility - Astrology Companion

      Although signs within the same element match best with each other, quadruplicities do not follow the same laws. For this reason, Scorpio tends to match better with Cancer and Pisces than he does with another Scorpio. This is because Scorpio is a fixed sign , and fixed signs are deeply rooted, intense, and can be very stubborn.

      The unmovable nature of a fixed sign can be overwhelming when partnered with a like-minded individual. Such similarities may inhibit relationship growth as well as the personal growth of each partner. The intuitive and domestic nature of Cancer a cardinal sign can be healing to an intense and brooding sign like Scorpio.

      Likewise, Pisces mutable is a slightly less serious sign than Scorpio and can provide the relationship with some much-needed optimism. There have been some astrological theories involving zodiac opposites that lead people to believe that the polar opposite of one's zodiac sign actually represents an ideal match.

      In Scorpio's case, this ideal partner would be Taurus.

      Scorpio's Elemental Matches

      There are numerous reasons why such theories are incorrect, but the most glaring would be that of elemental understanding.
