Astrological elements compatibility

Get the FREE app for your tablet and mobile device. Click for more information about New Worlds or to receive issues via mail. This article was written by Sally Cragin posted under Astrology. Not long ago, I was meeting with an astrology client who had more questions about other people than she did about herself.

A lovely woman, with a Virgo sun, she was perplexed by the actions of other family members, especially a younger Taurus grandchild. And so I was able to explain that both signs were under the element of earth , which can confer a practical side and a touch of materialism. And then in an all-too-typical air sign way I remembered my first book, The Astrological Elements , was coming out the following month.

And since she's a Virgo mindful of details I have every faith that she'll remember to email me about getting a copy. If only all my clients were as reliable. But then—what fun would that be? I decided to write The Astrological Elements after many years of thinking about the distinctions between signs of the same element , and how none of the books I'd read in a long educational odyssey of astrological inquiry really explored and analyzed those distinctions.

My first thought was that I'd create a multi-book series, starting with the first element of the zodiac: I thought a bright red cover and the title "The Fire Book" would have a wide appeal. Certainly I'd had plenty of Aries clients also a few Leos and the occasional Sagittarius.

But I'd also had many earth and water sign folks who loved the fire sign people in their lives but didn't entirely "get" them. Or, "How come they didn't call when they said they would? To be fair, those other elements needed the same amount of attention as a Libra , I always need to make those scales balance somehow!

I had dealt with plenty of Aquarians who were convinced they were water signs they're "the water carrier," remember? We all need a "how to" manual when dealing with other folks, and knowing their sign thus their element gives one an enormous advantage in a variety of milieu.

The Astrological Elements: How Compatible Are Your Sun Signs?

Just to get you started: The earth signs are Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn —and, as aforementioned, they are practical and methodical, materialistic and aesthetic.

The air signs are Gemini , Libra, and Aquarius. They can be capricious and forward, dithering and directed. The water signs are Cancer , Scorpio, and Pisces , and are presumed to be emotional they are , sensitive very often , and perceptive.

If you're the same element as a friend, lover, family member, or co-worker, the prevailing wisdom says you'll share characteristics. Therefore a Gemini should be able to be compatible with a Libra or Aquarius.

Same Element Relationships

These signs can be verbally dexterous, philosophically flexible, and freedom-loving. Yet are they a good match?

  1. sign libra most compatible?
  2. Four Key Elements in Zodiac Sign Compatibility.
  3. horoscope taurus 6 january 2019?
  4. libra born january 30 horoscopes;
  5. mayan astrology explained.

Well, says the thoughtful astrologer—a good match for what? Air signs in a relationship with one another will never run out of things about which to talk.

Explore Everyday Health

However, decisions large and small may be a problem. Where to send the kids to school?

Mysterious Sources of Attraction

Where to go on vacation or what to have for dinner? But what if there are problems? What if the two air signs constantly founder on the shoals of stasis? And I've seen two earth signs together who literally put one another to sleep.

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  • Romantic Compatibility for Your Astrology Elements.
  • Romantic Compatibility for Your Astrology Elements?
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  • Zodiac Sign Compatibility - and Zodiac Elements.
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  • Opposing Element Relationships.
  • Earth is one of those signs that needs stirring up—on their own, they'll continue with their routine. Earth sometimes needs a fire sign around to renew their sense of purpose. And fire signs can always use more stability! Fire signs as romantic partners can be passionate and combustible, and if they can survive one another's moods and tempers, this can be an enduring relationship.

    As for water signs, this pairing works if both people have sufficient experience with people of other dominant relationships. Often when individuals lack a particular element in their own birth chart, they will find that they are attracted to people who possess that element in their birth chart.

    The use of Sun signs may provide an interesting guide to compatibility in relationships in a general sense. However, it is impossible to assess the compatibility of two individuals on the basis of their Sun signs alone.

    Llewellyn Worldwide - Articles: The Astrological Elements: How Compatible Are Your Sun Signs?

    An accurate indication of long-term compatibility will only present itself when a full astrological compatibility profile has been completed.

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    Astrology, the Elements, and Romantic Compatibility -- with Maria DeSimone

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