Cusp astrology dates

Zodiac Cusp Signs

Your astrological sign depends upon the positioning of the Sun in a zodiac constellation during the time and date of your birth. You are born a cusp when the Sun is in the middle of shifting from one zodiac to the next. Special because you possess the characteristics of two different zodiac signs, and flummoxed because when it comes to the everyday astrological readings, you don't know which one to follow; should you read one or both?

There are so many questions that astrological followers have when it comes to being a cusp, but the answers seem to be somewhat blurry.

The first confusion arises of the dates. If we get into the details, it is said that the cusp dates vary from one year to the other. This is because at one year, the Sun may enter a particular zodiac constellation at, say To avoid this variation, experts have assigned a certain period of time in a month for those born in the middle of this shift.

The following sections will clarify all your qualms about being a cusp, right from the dates to the characteristics. Dates 19 to 23 are considered to be cusp dates, which means, if you are born on any of these five dates, assuredly you are a cusp, and your personality is a mix of both adjacent Sun signs.

Cusp (astrology) - Wikipedia

For example, if you are born on March 23, it implies that you are a Pisces-Aries cusp. Pisces is the last of all zodiacs while Aries marks the very beginning of all the signs.

Quite an interesting combination indeed! Each and every cusp combination brings forth a unique melange of different characteristics of two zodiac signs, that are distinct from the other. Since there are 12 zodiac signs, there are 12 cusp combinations, each of which is explained briefly in the following sections.

Aries-Taurus April 19 to April Aries is a cardinal fire sign ruled by the fiery planet Mars. On the other hand, Taurus is a fixed earth sign ruled by the planet of love and pleasure, Venus. It is believed that this zodiac combination can complete things that others tend to leave incomplete.

As fire and earth elements rule those born under this cusp, they are likely to tame their aggression with the perfect amount of patience that is needed to achieve set targets and objectives.

On the negative side, these individuals may end up becoming quite stubborn and rigid when it comes to making things happen as per their terms and conditions. Taurus-Gemini May 19 to May Taurus is a fixed earth sign ruled by the planet of pleasure and love, Venus. On the other hand, Gemini is a mutable air sign ruled by the planet Mercury, associated with travel and communication.

Those born under this cusp combination are great communicators with an inclination to take pleasure of the finest things in life. These bull-headed twins are likely to take on the masses with their impressive communication skills and their need to receive the best of everything.

The practical yet intellectual traits of this cusp zodiac makes the persons born under this combo quite strong analyzers who have the ability to look into some of the most complicated and difficult to understand situations, thereby making them great contributors towards the productivity and success of any undertaking.

What's a cusp in astrology?

On the negative side, the finicky nature of the twins and the tendency of overindulgence in pleasure of the bull may make them quite scattered and spendthrifts. Gemini-Cancer June 19 to June Gemini is a mutable air sign ruled by the planet Mercury that is associated with travel, communication, intellect, and quick-wit.

On the other hand, Cancer is a cardinal water sign ruled by the Moon, associated with emotions, instincts, and nourishment. Those born under this dual influence are known to be very caring, expressive, understanding, and emotional in nature.

They are good at multitasking and are quite strong-willed as well. Their instincts drive them to the right places and people at the right time, making them take opportunity of the changes they sense around them, as a result of their intuitive nature. The combination of intellectualism along with an inclination towards emotions makes them quite family oriented.

Spending time with close friends over some exotic cuisine and stimulating conversation is what these people love. On the downside, their open display of emotions makes them quite prone to getting hurt by the bad guys in the circle.

Cancer-Leo July 19 to July Cancer is a cardinal water sign ruled by the Moon, associated with emotions, nourishment, and sensitivity. On the other hand, Leo is a fixed fire sign ruled by the Sun, associated with warmth, enthusiasm, and life itself! Not only this, the influence of both the Sun and the Moon also makes their characteristic quite gentle yet fiery.

With these people, you can say that two opposites come together to give you a im balance of both. Cancer-Leos are quite emotional but flamboyant. They will care for you but also expect their due share of attention and praises.

Their way of living life is to live like a king with a capital K. Therefore, material possessions and wealth is an integral part of their existence, and they display a complementing level of generosity to make good use of what life has bestowed on them.

These people can become quite an inspiration to the others. On the negative side, their intuitive-yet-impatient attitude may prompt them to jump into projects without realizing its flaws, which is usually an unrealistic outcome from the venture.

Cusps/secrets of ascendant in Astrology (A simple technique)

Leo-Virgo August 19 to August Leo is a fixed fire sign ruled by the Sun, known as the center of life and universe. However, the times given below are accurate based on the year. Be sure to adjust for your time zone. Jan 21, 3: Eastern time — please adjust to the time zone of your birth , NOT your current residence.

Or, let this handy tool figure this all out for you: Now that you know your Sun sign, read about Sun in the Signs here. Cafe Astrology is brimming with free articles, features, interpretations, and tools that will appeal to people with a casual interest in learning Astrology, as well as beginning through advanced students of Astrology.

The site is run by astrologer Annie Heese. If your Sun is on the Taurus side, the bull is in a china shop; you can be accident prone, impulsive yet stubborn, and a bit of a bully. If your Sun is on the Taurus side, your stoic and practical Taurean nature is imbued with intellectual curiosity, and you enjoy conversations and company.

If your Sun is on the Gemini side, your quick mind will be more drawn to practical and earthy concerns, like learning how things work.

If your Sun is on the Gemini side, your thoughts are tinged with emotions, and it can be hard to tell objective truth from your own projections.

If your Sun is on the Cancer side, you think about your feelings and memories as you feel them. You enjoy telling and hearing stories, and you are interesting. If your Sun is on the Cancer side, you are less shy and a bit more inclined to share your gifts and creativity with others.

You may enjoy performing. If your Sun is on the Leo side, you feel a bit insecure about your self-expression; it seems to reveal too much. You are more vulnerable.

  1. Things You Should Know About Horoscope Cusp.
  2. signo mas compatible con capricorns!
  3. Cusp (astrology).
  4. Cusp Dates;

If your Sun is on the Leo side, you are a perfectionist about your creative self-expression; it has to pass through the filter of self-criticism.

If your Sun is on the Virgo side, you are more playful and expressive, the strict Virgo perfectionist nature leavened by creativity. If your Sun is on the Virgo side, your Virgo goal of perfection is sidetracked by dreams of romance and love. You want to become the right person for someone.

If your Sun is on the Libra side, you are more critical of others, and your relationship standards are stricter. You are a stickler for fairness. If your Sun is on the Libra side, you know more about others' dark motivations than you want to.

The Sun's Cusp

You may choose to deny that you know uncomfortable things about the ones you love. If your Sun is on the Scorpio side, your dark nature is mixed with idealism. You feel deeply but look more on the bright side. If your Sun is on the Scorpio side, your depths are leavened with optimism.
