Best cancer compatibility with other zodiac signs

Some relationship combinations are much more common than others. Some sun signs are also much more chatty than others. Some are more likely to compliment or complain!

Best Matches

Each forum therefore tends to have a fairly consistent trend to the comments. Please keep in mind though that people are much more than just their sun sign. Beyond a point Cancer compatibility varies due to the individuals other planet positions when they were born.

You need a real astrology reading to understand a real relationship.

Cancer compatibility table

How to use astrology to explore your unique relationship. Find out what astrology has to say about your unique partner and relationship beyond just sun signs.

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Cancer Compatibility

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The Most Compatible Zodiac Signs for Cancers, Ranked - PureWow

Why are there 12 signs? An introduction to synastry and compatible astrology. Terms and conditions Privacy policy About Contact. A little reassurance will go a very long way toward helping Cancer not feel so out of water.

Just don't let the crab retreat to the protection of his shell, or Scorpio will have a difficult job getting him to come back out and talk. Scorpio should be mindful of that stinging tongue that can sometimes turn on poor unsuspecting Cancer.

If both these signs can get over their hard-shell attitudes, they'll discover a very rewarding and fulfilling relationship. The emotions of both of these signs run deep.

Not every zodiac sign is up to the task of weathering the crying jags and pouting sessions Cancer is known to give at the drop of a hat. That's not to say that Cancer is fickle. It's not a conscious act because Cancer simply cannot help it. It's just the nature of this water sign.

The fish and the crab are content to float through life together. Both live in their own fantasy worlds and rarely glimpse the harsh realities of the real world. However, they can only escape into their dreamy, watery world for so long. It's doubtful that both signs will swim out of their dream world to take care of the mundane, but one of them must eventually dip into the real world long enough to pay a few bills and figure out the budget.

At first, this will seem like the perfect relationship, but unless it's tempered with a few doses of reality-checks, a Pisces and Cancer couple could end up being carried too far off course and caught in a rip tide or worse, tossed onto the beach.

Metaphors aside, one partner will need to be better grounded in reality in order for this relationship to flourish into the once-in-a-lifetime love it could be. Earth signs work well with water signs to co-create a life together.

Earth gives water form and contains the many energies and ideas flowing from water signs. Water signs nourish earth and help grow ideas into profitable business ventures as well as a home and family. Cancer longs for security and stability. People of this sign want a solid financial foundation and a home they can enjoy.

Capricorn's ambition excites Cancer who understands the importance of goal setting.

Cancer Compatibility and Water Signs

Home and business will be closely interconnected. Cap would make a great business partner with Cancer. This pair could build a dynasty and love every moment working together to create it.

Cancer will expect Taurus to come charging in, but will be pleasantly surprised by the bull's sense of style and taking things slowly - at first. Taurus' sensual nature and deep appreciation for beauty will quickly win over the sensitive Cancer.
