Importance of seventh house in vedic astrology

As saturn place in 7 house. But as per my knowledge your marriage will be fix within 8 months.

Jupiter in seventh house of horoscope

Your life partner may be smart, caring. I have Ketu Mercury and Moon closely conjunct in Moola pada 2 and 3 in seventh house, aspected by a loosely conjunct Jupiter and Rahu in 1st house. I have been told I will be the selfish one in relationships, but I always end up giving and giving, and I end up getting dumped in the end.

I want to make my marriage work, so please help. I have Jupiter sun and Venus in navmans in Leo ascendant in 1st house and mars of Aquarius in 7th house.

I wonder about how my marriage would be like? BTW m virgo ascendant. I have jupiter, sun,mercury in my 1st house aspecting 7 house and and 7 house lord venus sitting in Sagittarius sign with mars Scorpio Ascendant…………. How will my marriage life?

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Sun with Me in 7H will create a never ending income from midheaven. You need to adjust with your spouse bc Sun in 7th H gives a dominating spouse. Please let me know when will I get married and how will be my married life be.

Kemadruma yoga is a malefic yoga and makes one unfocused in life. Here Jupiter and Moon are mutually aspecting each other. Its amazing and makes one very optimistic about oneself and others.

In my horoscope Mars is in 7th house ,Venus sun and murcury in 9th house,saturn in 5th house and Jupiter in 12th house.. But Rahu is a greedy node, it gives you a wandering eye, sometimes makes you a bit flirtatious and secretive with your spouse. Just give your name and email address to get hours of videos and answers to these deeper questions.

Get this powerful video series on exactly how to know yourself better and learn astrology. Arti on February 4, at Arti on February 5, at 9: Kanika on February 4, at Anonymous on January 28, at 7: THings are too tensed. Soumya on December 3, at 7: Soumya on December 3, at 5: I was born on 9th may Anonymous on December 3, at 6: Shivshankar on November 24, at 4: Hari on November 8, at 5: Kanwal on October 26, at Smita on October 21, at 7: Problem kya ho rahee hai bataiyegaa.

Kalai on October 19, at 3: Dear Smith , Hope you are doing well. Sneha on October 7, at 5: Rituja Vaidya on October 6, at Dayalan on October 5, at 4: My DOB is Can u say about my carrer, marriage life. Rajiv on September 28, at 1: Mallika on September 27, at General prediction for Marriage and Career Reply.

Rajiv on September 26, at 6: Navit on September 16, at 6: Aishwarya on September 9, at 4: Or please take advice from learned non greedy pandit astrologers Reply. Barsha on September 1, at 5: Anonymous on August 26, at 6: Raman on August 26, at 5: Sheetal on August 23, at Hi… Pls tell me when i will get married.. So as per my view, please dont ge marry.

Cindy on August 19, at 1: My DOB is 4th July 83, Komal on August 15, at Smith on August 14, at 1: Volita on August 25, at Seema on July 27, at 9: Pls tell me about my marriage Reply. Sima on July 27, at 9: Ketu in 7th house , in Leo rashi , rahu is in lagna , Aquarius is ascendent …pls tell me about marriage Reply.

Anonymous on July 28, at 1: Dharan on July 25, at 5: Where your moon placed? Bhavya Sriram on July 12, at 3: Anonymous on July 23, at 6: Your marriage life will be happy.. Raj on June 26, at 6: Anirudh on June 22, at 2: Kapil goyal on April 9, at 7: Priya on March 21, at 3: Himanshu Tiwari on June 12, at Gopi on March 15, at 7: Since I use different calculation for prediction Reply.

Raj on January 21, at Anonymous on November 12, at 7: Poojan on November 7, at 1: I have Jupiter sun and Venus in Leo ascendant in 1st house in and mars in 7th house in aquarius Reply. P on November 7, at 1: I have Jupiter sun and Venus in navmans in Leo ascendant in 1st house and mars of Aquarius in 7th house Reply.

More On Shrivinayaka Astrology

BTW m virgo ascendant Reply. Suyash jain on September 26, at 2: Anup on September 25, at 7: Tell your lagna details also. So what does this mean? Anonymous on May 3, at 5: Sun n mercury in 7th house…marriage predictions Reply. Abhi on September 22, at 5: Anonymous on August 2, at 7: Please let me know when will I get married and how will be my married life be Reply.

Anonymous on April 28, at 5: I have venus in the 7th house. Does it mean venus will accelerate only after ny marriage? Shikhz Shankz on August 9, at 6: I have moon in 7 th and Jupiter in 1st house what will be its results Reply.

Ken on June 6, at 6: I have rahu and venus in 7th house in navamsa. Why do we choose this partnership? Is it for love or money? There are many reasons for uniting with another. We may choose to fill voids we see in ourselves. We may simply want the company and companionship of another.

The partnerships we form say a great deal about ourselves and also serve to teach us much.

The Seventh House: The House of Partnerships

This house wants us to know that the quality of our partnerships will enhance our lives, make them fuller, more special and better for everyone. Tensions within a partnership also serve to teach us lessons. Leave a Reply Click here to cancel reply.

What is Pitru Dosha? Pitru Dosha, known as ancestral affliction happens due to Goddess Lakshmi is the Goddess of wealth and prosperity, and Varalakshmi Pooja is Pongal is the harvest festival, so that needs no explanation. Vaikunta Ekadasi is the most famous festival for the Vaishnavaites and the celebration Importance of Thiruvannamalai Thiruvannamalai is a holy town.

It is home to the With Mars also owning the 2nd house, there can be money issues in the marriage or partnership. Challenges with marriage and money issues. May be possessive, however, will have orientation toward productive partnerships.

May experience issues of betrayal and abandonment in relationships or make sacrifices for partner. Will be drawn into relationships to resolve karmas through strong attractions. Likely to work with spouse Mercury also owns 10th house of career , also to work in business partnerships. Some ability for public success and good relationship with public.

Must attend to needs. Both partner and self very relational, high desire for relationship. Powerful, successful spouse though can be overbearing. Sun creates challenges for marriage and other relationships. Needs others to help give confidence.

Interested in their cultural background. Has natural ability for verbal communication with others. Financial and status gain through marriage. Passionate, fulfills agreements, enjoys luxuries, wants the finest. Strong ability to give through career in noble way. Relationships may improve status. Marriage can bring sense of restriction, likely to someone older or with older viewpoint and strong-willed.

Can be loss of status or controversy regarding spouse. Must guard against coldness. Relationships improve over time with more trust. Must confront insecurities in partnerships. Drawn to someone like his or her mother Jupiter owns 4th house as well. Late marriage, enjoys travel and foreign things, wealth through partner. Must guard against arguing.

Likes to take the lead. Good looking with very attractive partner, passionate, successful, sociable. Slender, tension in married life, passionate, intelligent, stubborn and idiosyncratic. Intelligent, youthful, attractive partner.

Literary talent and success, diplomatic, attractive spouse, wise, widely respected, wealthy, adroit business skills and success, interest in the occult astronomy, astrology and math.

Good sense of humor. Supportive, prosperous partner, happiness from children, diplomatic, well educated, fame. Can attract and keep good partners. Good for legal transactions and contracts. Beautiful, refined partner; happy marriage. Individual will be passionate, sensual.

The Seventh House: About You -

Diplomatic, political success well traveled, ambitious. Relationships improve over time. Not favorable for lasting union.

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